Ana Mafla Chamorro

Ciencias Médicas y de la Salud

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Profesor investigador
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Currículum vitae

I am an Associate Research Professor of the School of Dentistry at Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia from Pasto, Colombia, where I has been working since 1998. However, I started to work as researcher in 2007.

I received a D.D.S from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia in 1994, and a M.S.P.H., from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España in 1998. I also received a  Spec. Ed. from Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia in 2001.  Currently, I am student of the Doctoral Programa Epidemiology and Public Health at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos from Madrid, Spain.

My research interests are focused on oral epidemiology and currently I am working on behavior science. My purpose has been on improving the understanding of oral health risk factors and their interactions in the population. I have explored more in-depth the implications of the bio-psychosocial approach model in the apparition of oral diseases.

I am an author of over 57 papers in Spanish and English languages that have been published in national and international indexed journals. As of 2024, Google Scholar reports over 1210 citations to my work, and also I have a h-index of 10.  I am a national and international peer reviewer of dentistry, other health sciences and education journals and currently, I am a PLOS One academic editor.


Producción Científica

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Evolución de publicaciones por Cuartiles

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Factor de Impacto y Citas Totales

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Colaboraciones internacionales

Se muestra en este mapa el detalle de todas las instituciones con las que se ha colaborado el investigador en el ámbito de los productos de investigación. Se informa de la relación de instituciones por cada país.